Public inquiry into the 3R's facility

This Public Inquiry will be an opportunity for evidence to be presented and fully examined. There's a pressing need in West Sussex and the south of England as a whole...
Director of Britaniacrest Recycling, Chris Foss, said:
"This Public Inquiry will be an opportunity for evidence to be presented and fully examined. There's a pressing need in West Sussex and the south of England as a whole, for new waste infrastructure to treat non-recyclable waste."
"At present there's very little landfill space available between West Sussex and Dorset, so this county is now exporting all its non-recyclable waste for disposal - some to Surrey and the rest to European Energy from Waste plants."
"In our opinion this cannot continue, and we look forward to presenting our case during this Inquiry."
"In re-submitting our application, we had hoped our careful redesign had addressed the visual elements of the scheme. We trust the Inspector will agree with our experts and the council officers who recommended approval after he has heard the evidence."?
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